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The Laguna Madre Water District located in Port Isabel Texas welcomes you to our online portal. You can sign up for emergency outage notifications, pay your water bill online, read our archives or learn more about water conservation in our communities.


South Padre Island, Port Isabel, Laguna Heights, and Laguna Vista

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If you’re concerned about wasted water or just looking for ways to lower your water bill, then we can suggest some methods.


Click here to learn more.


To proactively serve our customers by providing reliable, safe, high quality water and wastewater services.



Laguna Madre Water District recently partnered with WaterSmart Software to offer our customers a modern digital portal where you can access detailed information about your household water use. You can reach the portal on your mobile device or web browser at LMWD.WATERSMART.COM 


To register for this free service, just enter your billing account number (including the dashes) and email address. You can then access all of your utility data as soon as it becomes available each billing period. Check your balance, pay your bill, see how your water use compares to similarly-sized homes in your neighborhood, and get access to customized recommendations on how you can save water and money.


We hope you take advantage of this exciting new service, and look forward to working closely with our customers to make our community more resilient, healthy and happy!



          Citizen Bond Planning Committee

The Laguna Madre Water District (LMWD) is committed to providing reliable, safe, high quality water and wastewater services. To fulfill this goal, the District must continually evaluate our facilities and support systems to determine if our infrastructure is equipped to best support the future of our local communities.


In response to the District's aging and evolving infrastructure needs, LMWD is considering a possible bond election and would like to invite you to serve on its 2019-2020 Citizen Bond Planning Committee. The committee is an invaluable group of community members formed to study the infrastructure needs of the District and present a recommendation to the LMWD Board of Directors for consideration.


If you are interested, please sign up at the Customer Service Desk, at 105 Port Road, Port Isabel, TX by May 31, 2019. Thank you. Click Here For Citizen Bond Planning Committee Document




April 5, 2019


Laguna Madre Water District cuts odors by 90%


Laguna Madre Water District (LMWD) tackles Odor Control resulting in a 90% reduction in odor-causing gases. Results were achieved by injecting BioCope enzymatic ERI, Micro-Solve and Odor-Solve solutions at lift station inlets throughout the District’s service area: five in Port Isabel, four in South Padre Island, three in Laguna Vista, and one in Laguna Heights.


In May of 2018, the LMWD Board of Directors directed staff to step up odor control efforts after meeting with South Padre Island city officials, who were concerned that odor issues were affecting local businesses and in turn the area economy. The Board formed an Odor Control Committee comprised of two Board members, the LMWD Engineer, the Director of Operations, the Sewer Collection Manager, the Wastewater Plant Manager, and key staff from the cities of South Padre Island and Port Isabel. After considering various alternatives, the committee recommended adding more chemical products to not only lift stations, but also manholes and sewer lines throughout the LMWD area.


The primary cause of sewer system odor is Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), a colorless, flammable, and extremely hazardous gas with a “rotten egg” smell. H2S is produced by the bacterial breakdown of organic matter and human waste found in lift stations, sewer lines and manholes before arriving at the Wastewater Treatment Facility. When ambient temperatures rise, the natural process of decomposition is accelerated, producing more H2S gas and increasing odor, while cooler temperatures help to control odor.


Odor measurements of 1000 H2S parts per million (ppm) have been reduced to 100 ppm or less, making a tremendous difference to our residents and visitors. The LMWD has seen not only a drop in measurable odor, but also in odor complaints. Be assured that LMWD is diligent in the operation and maintenance of existing facilities being treated daily to minimize the odor of our system. LMWD staff will continue testing and searching for new technology and methods to minimize costs and control grease and odor throughout the system.


The AMI Meter Installation at the South Padre Island Golf Course has been completed. The installers have begun with meter installation at Laguna Vista residents this afternoon, Friday March 22, 2019.


The AMI Meter Installation at South Padre Island is at 80% percent completion, with expected time of completion to be by the end of April 2019.


Laguna Madre Water District Water Conservation Management Plan has no restrictions at this time. Monitored Water Supply Reservoirs are 54.4% full on 2019-11-07

2018 WATER and Sewer Rates Information


Laguna Madre Water District has been recognized as a Superior Water system for many years by TCEQ. Our Water Quality has been excellent, especially with our new micro-filtration system installed in 2014. Texas Drinking Water Watch maintains current information on Public Water Supply Systems, including our Water District. You may access the database at and enter our Water System No. TX0310005 for more information. Taste, color, or odor problems are not necessarily causes for health concerns.


Laguna Madre Water District is a public water system using surface water and conventional filtration and/or microfiltration. Treatment processes, personnel, and monitoring requirements are in place to meet the following requirements established by the Environmental Protection Agency and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ):

·         Pathogen control by removal/inactivation of viruses, Giardia lamblia, and Cryptosporidium,

·         Maintain residual disinfection throughout the water distribution system,

·         Exceed turbidity performance standards,

o   Turbidity is the measure of relative clarity of a liquid, an optical characteristic of water and an expression of the amount of light that is scattered by material in the water when a light is shined through the water sample. Material that causes water to be turbid include clay, silt, finely divided inorganic and organic matter, algae, soluble colored organic compounds, and plankton and other microscopic organisms. Turbidity monitoring demonstrates removal of these particles from our drinking water.

·         Cover finished reservoirs / water storage facilities,

·         Operate by Qualified, Licensed Personnel as specified by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality,

·         Demonstrate optimal corrosion control to protect public health by minimizing lead and copper levels in drinking water, and

·         Disinfection profiling to improve public health protection by reducing exposure to disinfection byproducts and bacteriological coliform and contaminants.




Carlos J. Galvan Jr.

General Manager

Laguna Madre Water District

105 Port Road

Port Isabel, Texas 78578

Ph:  956-943-2626 Ext. 110

Fax: 956-943-6827




Attention to All Customers:

Laguna Madre Water District will no longer mail Penalty Bills.

Please pay with your original bill by the Due Date to avoid late fees.

 Laguna Madre Water District appreciates your Business.


Customers may sign up for electronic bill. The following payment options are available to all our customers:  “Pay Online”, On your phone device, Bank draft, By Mail. Independent Credit Card option is available for payments at our web page EZNETPAY. This type of payment will take up to seven days to credit to your account. At the office we accept checks, money orders, Credit Cards and cash is accepted. For your convenience Night Depository is available after hours.


Bank Draft Statement

The bank draft program is a two-step process. The first month your account will receive a pre-note, which means you will receive a bill that needs to be paid as usual. If all the information regarding your bank account is correct, then the following month your bank account will be automatically debited for your balance due. Additionally,  you will still receive a bill stating your account is “paid by draft”. Thank you

Please Note:  A Voided Check Is Required for completion of  Bank Draft Enrollment    Email any Questions  to


 New Water Meter Project  Information
      Click Here for More Information 

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Meeting Minutes


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For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 956-943-2626 or fill out the following form

Thanks for submitting!


105 Port Road Port Isabel, TX 78578


Tel: 956-943-2626

© 2025 by Laguna Madre Water District
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